
I have a job coming up and i want to add a number in a sequence as a watermark on photos before printing them. What i mean, is when i upload them i want to add a sequence of numbers on the actual photo and be there when i print them. what program can make that happen? I have tried to search for answer but not really found anything with the exact what i am looking for.

all help and suggestion are appreciate it.


2 Answers 2


To add a visible number to the image: If you are Mac or Linux, you can use bash scripting with ImageMagick to construct the desired text and compose it with your original image. On Windows, you can try PowerShell or batch files instead of bash.

To add a number to metadata: You can use exiftool to add any of the following tags: UserComment, XPTitle, XPComment, XPAuthor, XPKeywords, or XPSubject.


I found this Adobe forum post that seems to directly answer your question. The answer is near the bottom of the post: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2383809


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