I have tried taking photographs of the night sky using a tripod with the following portable cameras / cell phones in manual and automatic modes:
- Canon Powershot SX230HS
- Sony DSC-TX10
- Sony DSC-TX30
- Samsung Galaxy S6
- Amazon Fire Phone
- LG Volt
What I did with the above equipment was to point the camera at the sky, zoom all the way out, open the aperture all the way, and set the ISO to 800. I would then experiment with different exposure lengths, trying to get the best signal to noise ratio. After learning that it didn't work at ISO 800, I tried some other ISO values. Again, I didn't get any good results. The noise always outweighed the signal.
I then tried auto mode on all the equipment, and the results were always just a random pattern of grain.
In everything I tried, the signal to noise ratio was far too low to get any results that resemble the night sky. The one thing I didn't try was low ISO values.
Using lower-end equipment like the above, is it possible to take photographs of the night sky and capture images of the starscape?