I've got a fairly large (>150GB) photo collection, comprising loads of RAW photos, currently sitting between three or four Aperture libraries.
Given how much time and effort have been put into making this library, I'm seriously considering moving away from Aperture and towards the open-source (and cross-platform) Darktable app in the near future.
Having said that, I have two questions about migration from one platform to the other:
Darktable stores its library in an SQLite database file. Are there any tools allowing me to (relatively easily) dump my Aperture library into Darktable's SQLite library?
One of Aperture's selling points has been a non-destructive editing approach using a base photo and treating edits like layers over the original photo. Will Darktable support this kind of model?]
First and foremost, I'm interested in knowing if there's a way to preserve Aperture library structure (mainly, projects and folders) in Darktable. I assume EXIF data would be preserved, however if that's not a given, it's fairly crucial.
I can survive without preserving Aperture edits, although if there's a way to preserve those in Darktable's library it would definitely be a plus.