This is not about HDR, exposure fusion, or any kind of bracketing (exposure, focus, ISO, what have you).
There's an excellent iOS app called Cortex Camera that takes a couple of dozen photos in a burst and then merges them to produce a low-noise photo -- one that has so little noise that you would normally consider it beyond the iDevice's capability. This doesn't need a tripod.
Is there similar functionality in Lightroom or another app? I find that when I shoot low-light on my NEX, I prefer using a relatively low ISO (400 or less) with a tripod. I was wondering if I could skip the tripod and instead take a burst of a couple of dozen photos, and then merge them in software?
EDIT: Based on the comments below, some clarifications are due:
I don't have Photoshop. I do have Lightroom, so LR plugins are okay, as is standalone software.
I use a Mac, so Windows software doesn't work for me.
I don't want to use command-line tools.
I'm okay with both free stuff ($0) and cheap software (like $20, not like $100).
I am not looking for an onerous, multi-step process with multiple decisions to make and different things to try, but more like a 20-second one: drag the source images in, press Fuse, and press Save.
I require the software to work without a tripod or a remote shutter release, since if I have to carry these with me, I might as well use a long exposure and be done with it.
This means that the software should handle the camera moving a bit between shots (both horizontally and vertically) and rotating a tiny bit. It can't assume perfectly aligned shots -- that's not useful for me.