I'm looking for a camera that meets the following criteria:
Weather proof
Controllable from PC (If possible from Linux with gphoto, www.gphoto.org)
At least 15 seconds shutter speed possibility for long exposures
Cheap, below 150 $ would be perfect (older/used models with less Megapixels are OK)
Final image does not need to be larger than 1280x720 and should get close to these examples: http://pcdn.500px.net/13982353/f43889759a0765ff74d7ce380e05f7cd85e64cd8/4.jpg or http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3054/2703361367_2fa55fddef.jpg
Can someone give me suggestions for a model?
There is a list of remotely controllable cameras here: http://www.gphoto.org/doc/remote/ It would be of great help if someone could spot a weather proof camera on that list.
I need this for a project. I would like to record one long exposure photo each minute during the night and create a browsable timelapse like gallery of these photos on the web.