I'm a hobby photographer, and I've just picked up "rules of thumb" and "tips&tricks" here and there.
I have a 50mm f1.4, and I love it.
But due to the extreme shallow depth of field (at f1.4), I sometimes experience that "the other eye" is unfocused. As a hobby photographer, I have learned that one must always focus on the eyes when shooting people, but I wonder if it's considered to be "amateurish" when only one of the eyes are in focus - or if that is considered to be a "cool" effect.
As the "artist" of the photo, I know that it's "my call" wheter I like it or not, but whenever I try to consider the effect, I'm a bit blinded by the extreme shallow depth of field, and thus I think it's a bit cool, but still a bit wrong.
Are there any guidelines here?
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