I have a NEX-C3 - it's great, I'm really enjoying it, but I foresee that I will want more lenses, better controls, a view-finder and so on. There are lenses but the range is limited and they are expensive; the NEX-7 has a view-finder but again it's quite expensive, and none of the NEX range have controls like a DSLR.
Planning for the future I think I may want to get a Canon as it solves the above problems - lots of lenses of all shapes and sizes (and seemingly more affordable than Sony lenses), great manual controls, and view-finders. If I could use a Canon lens on my NEX-C3 then I'd be tempted to make my next purchase a decent Canon lens.
I know there are adapters for Canon lenses onto NEX bodies; are there adapters that provide electronic control to the lens, which would include autofocus, aperture control, and so on? EXIF data would be nice as well.
If such an adapter doesn't exist, would it be possible that one might come out, or is it a technical impossibility?