On the top of most cameras is a selector knob which will allow you to select different modes. These range depending on the camera, my camera (Nikon D5100) has several choices.
I have been told conflicting things about which mode to use. From my understanding most DSLRs have M (Manual) S (Shutter Priority) A (Aperture Priority) P (Program Mode) and possibly Auto mode. Some models (specifically entry level) have other modes some of which could be Night, Macro, Landscape, Portrait, etc.
I have been told by one person to use all available modes the camera has to offer as I learn more about photography. While another person said only use M, S, A, P modes and avoid all the rest while you learn.
Which of the statements is generally more correct?
A few notes: I have every intention and am currently attempting to learn as much as possible about the camera and how to capture great photos but I am a beginner. I shoot in RAW most of the time. And I want to capture the best possible shot with the camera (not have to process it in post extensively to get the best shot).