Apologies if this is covered in another answer, but I'm struggling to find something which is this specific.
I have a single strip of film which has come back from processing, and I've been somewhat careless with it.
I placed the strip on the desk, but hadn't spotted a small amount of water from a glass was on the desk, which has ended up on the gelatine side of the strip.
Without thinking, I ran a microfibre cloth over the strip, and I now have some dust stuck to the gelatine layer. The strip has dried out, and it looks like some of the gelatine has run slightly, and there are a number of dust particle stuck to the gelatine.
Can somebody advise the safest way to clean the dust from the layer without damaging the strip further, or point me to a resource which explains a safe process please?
We live in a hard water area, but I have at my disposal some 99% isopropyl alcohol.
I realise I only have myself to blame in this case - had I been more thorough I would not have made such a stupid mistake, but I'm very keen to save the strip as it has some beautiful pictures of my kids on which I would be incredibly sad to lose.