So I'm using the macro to photograph artwork with a T2i. I'm still just testing right now without studio lighting, but when I tried to zoom in (digitally) and focus with the camera display it seems to be such a fine adjustment. Not even the auto focus can get it right. Even if I get it right for one section manually there is no way to fully focus on other parts because if the painting is out of line by a millimeter it won't be in the same focus. It seems way too precise.
Sadly I can't check full results on my computer screen as my main computer died. But all said and done, zooming in fully on the camera's screen, I seem to to be getting slightly better results from the stock zoom lens. I found if i set it at about 35mm the edge distortions are minimal, I'm able to be much closer to the artwork then the 60mm macro, and results seem to be tiny bit sharper.
I thought if I closed up the aperture on a camera (going back 20 years) it would increase the focus-able range, but I'm not sure how to do that?
I'm not sure how the ISO and Aperture work if if they are one in the same. and I'm not sure if the 2.8 is a fixed setting or what. (sorry I've been overwhelmed trying to figure it all out). I've been inclined to go with 100iso because I understand that captures the most color. But even going up to 400+ doesn't seem to make much difference focusing. With the longer exposure and perhaps the extra length of the macro's distance from the subject, I fear even the shutter is causing micro movements on my budget tripod and perhaps the result is less sharp? Maybe I'll have better results when it's properly lit?
Anyway, just so far the results seem better from the stock lens. But maybe I can make some adjustments to the macro? just because it's not focusing perfectly zoomed in on the screen probably is not why I'm seeing less than stellar results.