I am owningown this Lens...as also 4 otherslens. The Lenslens is really nice, but I have only used 2 times...not moreit twice. It is an entry Levellevel, but the image quality is really nice. The 300mm300 mm zoom creates a really dramatic DOF. The Limitationlimitation of course is the Apertureƒ/5. This is 5,6. Significally aperture – significantly less than the 2,ƒ/2.8 (2 Stops differencestops less light). If you would like to use it for indoors Portraitportrait this would not be so easy with available light. For Wild Lifelight; however, for wildlife is really good. As a final tip,
I can say that it is good value for the money.
Best Regards Jiorgos