According to 3.4.2. section "data precision" on this website, the Canon 450D has 14bit deph. Canon CR2 stores RAW data as JPEG Lossless format.
- Image size: 4312x2876
- CFA: 4313x2877 (cambridge in colourbayer sensor scheme)
As 14bit depth (2^14, 16,384 variations)
are stored as unsigned __int16 (max value 65,535)
"unsigned __int16"which has size of 2 bytes.
24,802,624 bytes =~ 24mb per file (IFD#3 only)
We could have data precision in 64 bits:
As 64bit depth (2^64, 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 variations)
are stored as
unsigned __int64 (max value 18,446,744,073,709,551,615)
"unsigned __int64"which has size of 8 bytes.
99,210,496 bytes =~ 100mb per file (IFD#3 only)
I'm not saying JPEG Lossless format stores information in unsigned __int, but I found out the normal JPEG uses a widthxheightx3WidthxHeightx3 matrix in YCbCr color space that can be converted using libjpg. I don't know how
Not talking about "you couldn't tell the difference", the point is about we being able to capture (there's much more room available for values) some sort of a ultra high dynamic range image which only blown up thing would be pointing to the sun directly or bulb mode exposures.
Maybe I am misunderstanding something, who knows. The Canon 450D seems to have a 128MB buffer by the way.