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I don't think "wanting to show ofoff their body features" with a ring flash is necesarynecessarily true.

A flat light gives a flat shape.

In such a light you show body features with pose or with texture and reflexionsreflections, for example a swettysweaty or oiled skin.

If touyou want to show muscle volume you use perhaphsperhaps a backlight, a lateral light.

To hide unwanted features you can use:

  1. Lighting. An overall pleasing difuse light, play with the angle, try to hide a little a scar with a low key ilumination, or a double chin with a reflector on bottom.

  2. Posing. If you dont want to show a belly, don't pose the subject like he is on a weight loose-loss program. If he is seated, make him strechstretch his back.

  3. Camera angle. Do you need longer legs? Lower your camera, Is yourhis/her nose too large?, use longer focal lens.

  4. Clothing. A suit that really fits the subject, a long dress, a swettersweater with a turtleneck, etc.

  5. Not as important but background helps too, vertical strypesstripes, columscolumns, etc.

In short... All the elements you use in a portrait!

The most important thing is do it naturalynaturally.

All of the points are extremly compexcomplex, so you need to play and study them. There is no general recipyrecipe.

I don't think "wanting to show of their body features" with a ring flash is necesary true.

A flat light gives a flat shape.

In such a light you show body features with pose or with texture and reflexions, for example a swetty or oiled skin.

If tou want to show muscle volume you use perhaphs a backlight, a lateral light.

To hide unwanted features you can use:

  1. Lighting. An overall pleasing difuse light, play with the angle, try to hide a little a scar with a low key ilumination, or a double chin with a reflector on bottom.

  2. Posing. If you dont want to show a belly, don't pose the subject like he is on a weight loose program. If he is seated, make him strech his back.

  3. Camera angle. Do you need longer legs? Lower your camera, Is your nose too large?, use longer focal lens.

  4. Clothing. A suit that really fits the subject, a long dress, a swetter with a turtleneck, etc.

  5. Not as important but background helps too, vertical strypes, colums, etc.

In short... All the elements you use in a portrait!

The most important thing is do it naturaly.

All the points are extremly compex, so you need to play and study them. There is no general recipy.

I don't think "wanting to show off their body features" with a ring flash is necessarily true.

A flat light gives a flat shape.

In such a light you show body features with pose or with texture and reflections, for example a sweaty or oiled skin.

If you want to show muscle volume you use perhaps a backlight, a lateral light.

To hide unwanted features you can use:

  1. Lighting. An overall pleasing difuse light, play with the angle, try to hide a little a scar with a low key ilumination, or a double chin with a reflector on bottom.

  2. Posing. If you dont want to show a belly, don't pose the subject like he is on a weight-loss program. If he is seated, make him stretch his back.

  3. Camera angle. Do you need longer legs? Lower your camera, Is his/her nose too large?, use longer focal lens.

  4. Clothing. A suit that really fits the subject, a long dress, a sweater with a turtleneck, etc.

  5. Not as important but background helps too, vertical stripes, columns, etc.

In short... All the elements you use in a portrait!

The most important thing is do it naturally.

All of the points are extremly complex, so you need to play and study them. There is no general recipe.

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I don't think "wanting to show of their body features" with a ring flash is necesary true.

A flat light gives a flat shape.

In such a light you show body features with pose or with texture and reflexions, for example a swetty or oiled skin.

If tou want to show muscle volume you use perhaphs a backlight, a lateral light.

To hide unwanted features you can use:

  1. LightingLighting. An overall pleasing difuse light, play with the angle, try to hide a little a scar with a low key ilumination, or a double chin with a reflector on bottom.

  2. PosingPosing. If you dont want to show a belly, don't pose the subject like he is on a weight loose program. If he is seated, make him strech his back.

  3. Camera angleCamera angle. Do you need longer legs? Lower your camera, Is your nose too large?, use longer focal lens.

  4. Clothing. A suit that really fits the subject, a long dress, a swetter with a turtleneck, etc.

  5. Not as important but backgroundbackground helps too, vertical strypes, colums, etc.

In short... All the elements you use in a portrait!

The most important thing is do it naturaly.

All the points are extremly compex, so you need to play and study them. There is no general recipy.

I don't think "wanting to show of their body features" with a ring flash is necesary true.

A flat light gives a flat shape.

In such a light you show body features with pose or with texture and reflexions, for example a swetty or oiled skin.

If tou want to show muscle volume you use perhaphs a backlight, a lateral light.

To hide unwanted features you can use:

  1. Lighting. An overall pleasing difuse light, play with the angle, try to hide a little a scar with a low key ilumination, or a double chin with a reflector on bottom.

  2. Posing. If you dont want to show a belly, don't pose the subject like he is on a weight loose program. If he is seated, make him strech his back.

  3. Camera angle. Do you need longer legs? Lower your camera, Is your nose too large?, use longer focal lens.

  4. Not as important but background helps too, vertical strypes, colums, etc.

The most important thing is do it naturaly.

All the points are extremly compex, so you need to play and study them. There is no general recipy.

I don't think "wanting to show of their body features" with a ring flash is necesary true.

A flat light gives a flat shape.

In such a light you show body features with pose or with texture and reflexions, for example a swetty or oiled skin.

If tou want to show muscle volume you use perhaphs a backlight, a lateral light.

To hide unwanted features you can use:

  1. Lighting. An overall pleasing difuse light, play with the angle, try to hide a little a scar with a low key ilumination, or a double chin with a reflector on bottom.

  2. Posing. If you dont want to show a belly, don't pose the subject like he is on a weight loose program. If he is seated, make him strech his back.

  3. Camera angle. Do you need longer legs? Lower your camera, Is your nose too large?, use longer focal lens.

  4. Clothing. A suit that really fits the subject, a long dress, a swetter with a turtleneck, etc.

  5. Not as important but background helps too, vertical strypes, colums, etc.

In short... All the elements you use in a portrait!

The most important thing is do it naturaly.

All the points are extremly compex, so you need to play and study them. There is no general recipy.

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I don't think "wanting to show of their body features" with a ring flash is necesary true.

A flat light gives a flat shape.

In such a light you show body features with pose or with texture and reflexions, for example a swetty or oiled skin.

If tou want to show muscle volume you use perhaphs a backlight, a lateral light.

To hide unwanted features you can use:

  1. Lighting. An overall pleasing difuse light, play with the angle, try to hide a little a scar with a low key ilumination, or a double chin with a reflector on bottom.

  2. Posing. If you dont want to show a belly, don't pose the subject like he is on a weight loose program. If he is seated, make him strech his back.

  3. Camera angle. Do you need longer legs? Lower your camera, Is your nose too large?, use longer focal lens.

  4. Not as important but background helps too, vertical strypes, colums, etc.

The most important thing is do it naturaly.

All the points are extremly compex, so you need to play and study them. There is no general recipy.