I work for a company where we quite often are doing internal events, seminars, and party's. This offen ends up with quite a lot of pictures, from both the company dSLR but also coworkers that bring their cameras.
I am looking for a good way to share these amongst the company, essencally a online photodatabase.
The requirements that this must meet is:
Events Based Photo Sharing
We want to be able to share photos of events, so there has to be a grouping feature.
Only company members can see the uploaded pictures.
Downloadale images
Easy download of uploaded pictures.
Not the most important thing, but it would be nice.
Easy upload
Everyone can upload pictures to a event, as all members are trusted workers.
Self-hosted would be a nice thing, as nobody else would have the pictures, and all rights are ours.
Active Directory login would be nice.
Do you know any services or applications that can do this? It would not hurt if it was open source as we like to add new features ect.