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Choice for one size does not fit all. For some situations a 3 way pan/tilt would be fine but for others a ball head is a must. Depends on your taste , subject matter and ease of use. Others have

Manufacturers offer a variety of a fewpossibilities to match the conditions under which the head will be used. Frank

At last, it depends on your taste, subject matter and ease of use.

Choice for one size does not fit all. For some a 3 way pan/tilt would be fine but for others a ball head is a must. Depends on your taste , subject matter and ease of use. Others have a variety of a few to match the conditions under which the head will be used. Frank

Choice for one size does not fit all. For some situations a 3 way pan/tilt would be fine but for others a ball head is a must.

Manufacturers offer a variety of possibilities to match the conditions under which the head will be used.

At last, it depends on your taste, subject matter and ease of use.

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Choice for one size does not fit all. For some a 3 way pan/tilt would be fine but for others a ball head is a must. Depends on your taste , subject matter and ease of use. Others have a variety of a few to match the conditions under which the head will be used. Frank