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Timeline for IT8 target for camera calibration?

Current License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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Mar 9 at 13:35 comment added Steven Kersting You do not have to shoot in 5000k lighting. The color corrections will adjust the lighting in the images to the 5000k reference. Any resulting prints would need to be viewed in 5000k lighting in order to be 100% correct. And any digital display would need to be calibrated to output the colors correctly. But those last two variables are outside of your control.
Mar 6 at 1:26 comment added davolfman I think I may still have an A4 IT8 target glued to matteboard I bought years ago years ago from Wolf Faust, I think? My worry with more patches is alignment.
Mar 6 at 1:22 comment added davolfman @reddy I guess you'll find out. I'm assuming no if they were measured relative to D50. IF they were some sort of absolute measurement? Maybe? It should work for anything shot with the sun.
Mar 6 at 0:44 comment added reddy I have realized that my IT8 target was too small for shooting so I have to go for bigger chart. I did checked out the Calibrite ColorChecker SG, but it is a ridiculous $370 for 140 patches. Silverfast also has a good chart but they discontinued it years ago. So I ended up going with the French CMP Digital Target Studio Edition, big chart with 988 patches. One question I have with the shooting is that since all the targets were measured in D50 illuminant, do I also have to shoot in 5000K lighting?
Mar 5 at 22:43 history edited davolfman CC BY-SA 4.0
Expansion on color checker info.
Mar 5 at 20:40 history answered davolfman CC BY-SA 4.0