3 votes

Bulk auto NEF → TIFF in RawTherapee?

The short answer is no, at least not entirely. But Nikons free NX Studio software will do it quite easily. AFAIK, it is the only software that recognizes and applies every jpeg camera setting to the ...
Steven Kersting's user avatar
1 vote

Apple Preview vs. GIMP, Photoshop, Bridge etc. as PNG/TIFF to JPEG converter

Let me divide this into several parts. 1. JPG JPG is a standardized file format. It has a clear specification. So what I mean, is that there is not much under the hood that "specialized" ...
Rafael's user avatar
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Apple Preview vs. GIMP, Photoshop, Bridge etc. as PNG/TIFF to JPEG converter

Cropping is your stumbling block. There's already a question here covering that, though - Automatic & intelligent crop 1,000 images. Preview doesn't do profile conversion at all, which is OK if ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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How do you identify file type/compression in a TIFF file?

As others have pointed out, compression per se does not mean a lossy photo. The TIFF format supports a variety of compression algorithms. Only one of them (JPEG) is lossy; the others like LZW, ZIP, ...
Binarus's user avatar
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