Questions tagged [document-reproduction]

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21 votes
7 answers

How can I get better results photographing dry erase boards?

As far as photography goes, I'm less than an amateur. I have a camera my friend (the head of the photography dept. at a local college) recommended to me that I really want to learn to use, but haven'...
Tango's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Photographing Older Documents

I'm doing a project with a historical group. They have a nice collection of diaries, and want to digitize them, but haven't found anyone interested in doing it, even if they pay them. Some of the ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Which image sensor format for photographing oil on panel?

My wife wants to make 38"x28.5" prints from her oil on panel paintings that are 16"x12". I have enough experience with non-digital SLR photography to know that the hardest part of photographing these ...
Myer's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to photograph books on location?

I must shoot rare books / manuscripts on different locations, some of them hard to reach (monasteries etc.). When I'm there I don't have much time at disposition. I must shoot as quick as I can. I ...
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